I had a very inspiring and interesting conversation with a lady over lunch today. She’s in her 60’s and a retired business owner.
Me: So where do you live?
Lady: I live everywhere.
Me: Wow, sounds like me.
Lady: I live average 3 months each around Malawi, Australia, and South Africa(?). That’s were my children live, and I take another 3 months wherever I want to stay, for myself. And by the way, I’m a Taurus.
Me: Woww.. I find it hard as a Taurus. I just try to make the place I stay as homey as I can, even if I’m just there for a few months.
Lady: Yeah, tell me about it. I just try to put structure and order in my flow too (how much time per country). One thing you should do is NEVER FIGHT THE FLOW. Go on with it and live in the present moment. Most of all, do not forget who you are.
Me: Aww.. wow! You are an inspiration!
Lady: I’ve done some work in the past. My next question is – what is next for the next 20 years?
(Ps. Can I also mention that this lady paved way for a big orphanage to be established in Malawi 🇲🇼, which continuously runs for 17 years already. Amazing woman! I would definitely visit her when I come to Malawi in the future).